If you are on regular treatment, requests for repeat prescriptions can be made by bringing your repeat prescription counterfoil to the Surgery or by sending it by post, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope for its return. Your prescription will be ready for collection 72 hours later, excluding weekends and bank holidays. For example, a request left on a Friday, will be ready for collection the following Tuesday, after 4.00pm.
You can request your medication online through your account. If you have not already done so then please register for online services at the reception desk. You will need to bring in photo ID and proof of address to open an account. For more information see the SystmOnline section below.
Telephone requests for repeat prescriptions are not accepted as they can lead to errors.
Patients' medication is reviewed regularly and you may, on occasion, be asked to see a Doctor before further prescriptions are issued.
Systmonline - A new way to contact us
Patients can log in from home or work, online or through digital TV, day or night, to request repeat prescriptions, or change address or contact details.
Please call into the surgery to obtain a username and password from reception.
To access, please visit: systmonline.tpp-uk.com/Login?PracticeId=C88021